THINKSELF çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ SOCIAL RANK OF THE SCENE FELLOWS. ³ by Pearl / Parasite ²Peace,love.... ¹ All of us scene-freaks, are always willing to accept newcommers, because there is a great diffrence between lamers and newcommers(If I have understood the debate on this subject right!) And ofcause we all love the diskmags; talking spheres of the scene, the WHOLE scene. And if you have anything on your mind the only thing you have to do, is grab a editor and start writing. Because you know that people read your articles and then, for them self, make their own oppinions about your article or subject. The only ones who MIGHT would react on your article is USUAL main or full time editors of a mag, that they have to make survive by writing lotsa' articles. Isn't that kind of a shame, that the scene folks are so apathic?! But belive me they(or we) arn't, it all depends where YOU (the author) are in the scene-heracy. There are diffrent levels of how much you can say. For example if you is an unknown guy from an unknown crew, the most active you is "alloved" to write in the mags, are supplements to allready exiting debates. (ehh, I think that packs and mags is okay) and then you can move further; Lord Helmet for example is one, if not the, most ¶popular editor in the scene, and look how every time he write an serious article or speak a word idt becommes law. Now he is "untouchable", witch means that he "piss" on many people, and say what he really mean (plus, ofcause abit show, and dirty words), he started the Anti-Brainstrom article storm etc. No one dare to anwser him again, and are afraid of comming in his spotlight. Because HE got the POWER, the POWER of information. (All information should be free - Cyberpunk) What i'm really trying to say with this little article is that if any unknowns was half as offending as, again for an example Helmet, the whole scene would have exploded. And the "victims" would have been the first to write articles and spread rumors that the person is lame etc. And that could MIGHT meaning the end of an scene-carrier even before it has really started. You can also see it in rewiev-sections; If the rewiever ain't a editor whom are perfectly sure of him self, he is abit scared to write that this very well known groups production, is rather lame. But if the author is sequre on him self and have "covered his bag", then he try to be as objective as possible, and he don't really care if the group (the well known group!) should make an officiel "war". (Witch almost don't happen when, a writer is sure on him self. And really try to be objective) ¶The point of this article is both that, there are levels for what you can say, and when you can say it! WHY? DO WE REALLY NEED THAT?! And that we all maybe should be more awake on what diskmags really is: Huge spaces filled with information and news, but when and who can really see if this socalled News or information is Propaganda? It can be hard, right?! So I would like if, not only the well-etablished authors would dare to write articles witch consern more than just: I think packs and... And all of us, should think for ourselfs and NOT let the diskmags decide what we should mean. I hope you all understood, what I tried to say, and will give it a thourgt!